How to give a F*** about the Earth

At Talk Shoppe, we are proud of the fact that our work can help brands and consumers take the leap into consciousness and more sustainable practices. That’s why we’re committed to highlighting the great work being done by our clients, who are taking the lead on promoting eco-friendly products and tackling climate change.

How can you give a F*** about the Earth today? Let’s talk about Fashion, Furniture, and Feminine hygiene products, three categories that cause a whole lot of waste.

Some sobering facts:

  • Fashion consumption is 400% more than it was 20 years ago! The average American generates 82 pounds of fashion waste each year. Most of this waste (85%) ends up in landfills. (source)

  • In 2018, Americans threw out 12.1 million tons of Furniture. 80% of this furniture waste goes to landfills when it's discarded. (source)

  • The average woman will throw away around 300 pounds of plastic from feminine hygiene products in her lifetime. (source)

Some hope:

Most consumers WANT to do the right thing.

  • 40% of women are considering using more sustainable products now or in the future. (source)

  • 69% of eco-friendly buyers will pay more for recycled products. More than half of these buyers also say they will change their shopping habits to reduce negative impact on the environment. (source)

In our own research, we've seen first-hand that consumers have a strong desire for more eco-friendly products across these categories. For example, according to a Talk Shoppe survey in Australia, about half (48%) of home furnishing purchases said that they always consider the environment in their purchases. But, we also see that the adoption of these products only sticks if they deliver the same (or better) convenience, quality, and price as their non-eco counterparts.

This Earth Day, we're proud to highlight recent clients that are tackling these problems head on:


Outerknown is a pioneering adventure apparel brand was established with the mission to spearhead a sustainable revolution in the apparel industry. Beyond focusing on improving sourcing, materials, and the well-being of workers, they launched a platform in 2021 aimed at revitalizing pre-owned Outerknown garments. This platform offers customers the opportunity to purchase and sell pre-loved pieces, contributing to a more circular fashion economy.


Coterie specializes in eco-conscious baby products made with plant-based ingredients. They prioritize sustainability by using renewable and biodegradable materials, meeting the demand for gentle and environmentally-friendly options in baby care.

The Flex Company

The Flex Company wants to create body-positive and life-changing experiences through the products that they make. Their mission is to end the uncomfortable, embarrassing stigma around periods, and with it cut out the waste of typical feminine hygiene products. ️


kóala, a home furnishing brand out of Australia, takes pride in eliminating the choice between affordability and sustainability. They provide modern and consciously designed furniture that customers will keep as their lives evolve.

So, are you ready to start looking for ways to embrace sustainability and lower your carbon footprint this Earth Day? Consider giving a F*** about Mother Earth by reevaluating your purchases in Fashion, Furniture, and Feminine hygiene products.

Meg DiRutigliano